Expert Opinion on the Security Situation in the South Caucasus

Project Call: Expert Opinion on the Security Situation in the South Caucasus

The Foreign Policy Council is launching a project to gather insights from leading security experts on the current situation in the South Caucasus region, encompassing Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

Project Background: The South Caucasus has a complex history of conflict and regional tension. While recent years have seen some progress towards peace, significant challenges remain. This project aims to provide a comprehensive and balanced assessment of the current security landscape in the region.

We are seeking experts with:

– Deep understanding of the political, social, and security dynamics in the South Caucasus.

– Proven track record of research and analysis on regional security issues.

– Experience in providing insightful and balanced commentary on complex geopolitical situations.

Selected experts will be invited to:

– Contribute research papers focusing on specific aspects of security in the South Caucasus.

– Participate in workshops and discussions to share their expertise with a wider audience.

– Provide ongoing commentary on evolving security developments in the region.


– Research papers analyzing key security challenges and opportunities in the South Caucasus.

– Participation in workshops and discussions.

– Policy briefs or media commentary (depending on expertise).

Application Deadline: 10 July, 2024

Please send paper concepts (up to 200 words) to

Compensation: Competitive compensation packages will be offered to selected experts.

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